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Cleome Spinosa

(Garcita, Aleli, Clavelina Blanca, Desdicha, Uña del diablo, Barba de chivo, Barba de tigre)


Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Bolivia.

From tropical America and Andean subregion.

Ethnobotanical and general use

The infusion of the leaves is applied as an insecticide for cockroaches, bugs and other insects as well as fish poison (curare).

Medicinal uses

The leaves, stipes, roots and seeds are used in popular medicine. In Cojedes, Venezuela, an infusion of the leaves applied as a lotion cures earache. The sap extracted from the leaves and mixed with olive oil is introduced into the acoustic duct by the Kallawaya in Bolivia to cure otitis. The Kallawaya also apply the fresh or dry leaves prepared as an infusion in small doses against stomach ache and flatulence. Grounded and boiled in water, the leaves are used as a hot cataplasm which applied to the temples cures migraine. Fresh or dried leaves, grounded and macerated in 40% alcohol are applied as a massage to cure rheumatism of the limbs. The sap extracted from the stipes when inhaled helps against sinusitis and very strong headache. The plant is also said to cure diseases of the liver.


The seeds are toxic if ingested.

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