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Crescentia Cujete

(Totumo/a, Tapara/o, Cucharo, Guire, Aliita)


Tropical America and Africa.

Historical background

This fruit was the basic household vessel for the indigenous people of South America. They are still used as practical containers for foods and liquids. Some of them are ornately carved or painted. Even musical instruments are created with this fruit shells, such as maracas.

It is said that indigenous people have selected and propagated certain mutations of this plant. It is used frequently by them even in the times of the current cheap plastic containers and materials.

The young seeds are edible when cooked.

Medicinal uses

Hemorrhage, cicatrization and ulcers are cured by the sap of the leaves or by macerated leaves. In infusion, the leaves are used against palpitations, hypertension, flu, pneumonia, coughs, catarrh, and diarrhea. Diabetes, indigestion, palpitations and nervous irritations are cured with a decoction of the leaves. Flowers and entire twigs serve for a vaginal bath for women.

Leaves are applied locally on abdomen to facilitate childbirth. The sap squeezed from the leaves removes pimples and sun marks from skin. The leaves serve as a hair tonic. The heated sap of the leaves is locally used against earache. The leaves are chewed to treat toothache.

Fresh Cortex taken orally is used to ease childbirth. Cortex is furthermore applied against hemorrhoids, prurigo of genitals, vaginal colic and coughs. The juice squeezed from the inner bark is used to treat bruises of the eyes.

A decoction of the fruit cures respiratory irritations and phthisis; it has also the purgative and abortive effect, particularly in cattle. The sap of the fruit toasted and mixed with honey stimulates menstruation. Fruit juice with honey favors induction of birth as well as ejection of placenta. Pulp taken as a syrup calms asthma, as well as treats other respiratory conditions such as bronchitis. Treats gastrointestinal irritations. Diluted in water the pulp is taken against irritations if the liver and to cure palpitations, hypertension, flu and pneumonia. The cooked pulp is taken as a febrifuge, purgative, expectorant, vermifuge, against diarrhea and headaches. The raw pulp is effective against red ascaris.

The seeds are not only edible when toasted but they are also used medically. The sap of the seeds mixed with honey is applied against menstrual pain and to regulate menstruation.

Parts of the plant used: leaves, pulp, fruits, roots.

"Calabash Tree (Crescentia cujete)" by wallygrom is licensed under CC

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